Provide helpful error messages ✎

✎ Technique: Form error communication

Effectively and accessibly communicate form errors by:

  1. Communicating that a form has errors,
  2. Communicating any individual errors case by case, including clear guidance on how to address the error.

In part, this involves thoughtful content-writing to clearly and unambiguously help users recover from the error. But it also requires that error messages are made clear to screen-reader users, who may not otherwise be aware of them. This can...

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✎ Technique: Form feedback with live regions

Providing form feedback accessibly helps users submit data more accurately and reduces the chance for error. For learning resources, easy access to feedback supports the learning process; for forms collecting data, good feedback helps to reduce the chance of input errors being made. 

When providing feedback on user input, JavaScript is often employed to print messages to the screen. Users looking at the screen will see the message appear in response to their actions. Screen-reader users who do not...

Read more about ✎ Technique: Form feedback with live regions