
The best way to ensure accessibility is by incorporating it from the very beginning of the development process, and continuously testing throughout. When working with a third-party vendor, establish a commitment to accessibility and align on a sustainable process before work even gets started. 

Library of Accessible Techniques

Browse a comprehensive library of how-to guides with practical examples and code snippets to help you create accessible content and code.

Explore Accessibility Techniques ➜

Accessibility Testing 

There are simple ways to check content with automatic tools and non-technical tests to see if your content is accessible and inclusive to everyone. As you test, track your findings in a report to streamline remediation.

Learn how to check your site for accessibility

Checklist icon.Working with Vendors

When you use a vendor to purchase digital products, there should be an agreement that the products are accessible.

Learn more about the procurement process and contract riders

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Upcoming Procurement Training